Wirral Vikings

Wirral Vikings

Wirral Viking Festivals – Upholland 2023

Wirral Vikings

Wirral Viking Festivals – Upholland 2023 Its looking good for the Upholland event this weekend. We have re-enactors from as far away as Orkney and Kent with the odd Yorkshire man thrown in for good measure. Come join us and see how the inhabitants of the 10th Cent lived and fought at the Greene Fayre at Beacon Country Park, Beacon Lane, Upholland,…

WIrral Viking Festivals – Upholland

Wirral Viking Festivals – Upholland Free Entry Come join us at Beacon Country Park for a journey back in time on the 22nd and 23rd July 2023 Wirral Vikings (Wirhalh Skip Felagr) and Croix Du Nord come together to give you a free insight into how life was lived in the 10th Centaury. With displays of  crafts from the period you can…